  • Joined on Mar 01, 2021
JavaScript 0 0

Track your finances easily: categorize transaction data quickly via "smart" inverted index, then define your own charts and reports.

Updated 1 week ago

JavaScript 0 0

A simple JavaScript clone of the LOGO drawing language. Write turtle programs in JavaScript, saved in your browser.

Updated 3 years ago

TypeScript 0 0

an easy-to-use cryptography library inspired by age by Filippo Valsorda ( For non-streaming usecases where authentication is desired. A wrapper around libsodium to support encrypting to multiple recipients

Updated 1 year ago

a WebExtension to make firefox refresh the page & keep the backblaze session alive so you don't get logged out.

Updated 3 years ago

A tool to create base64 strings which contain legible words, and are valid to decode to ascii

Updated 1 month ago

Assembly 0 0

fork of Better Portable Graphics format including working WASM (WebAssembly) build.

Updated 3 years ago

my fork of (I think this is needed because otherwise I get Go module issues when I try to build it into my fork of caddy)

Updated 3 years ago

fork of for my fork of caddy2

Updated 3 years ago

Python 0 0

💊 cloud compute service - python flask web application

Updated 3 years ago

Reverse Proxy to ENFORCE the robots.txt against malicious crawlers that don't respect it

Updated 6 months ago

Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client as Server Hardware

Updated 5 months ago

Go 0 0 fork for cross-compile for ARM

Updated 3 years ago

dynamic-ish DNS for gandi and porkbun [ no namecheap support until namecheap opens up thier API!! >:( ]

Updated 5 months ago