my fork of Gabes awesome self hosted live stream publishing software
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

403 lines
13 KiB

package directhls
import (
log ""
var _sambaHostPort string
var _sambaFolderPath string
var _sambaShareName string
var _streamSegmentRegex *regexp.Regexp
var _streamStartedTime string
var _hlsSegmentServiceClient http.Client
var _retryInterval time.Duration
var _setStreamAsConnected func()
var _setStreamAsDisconnected func()
var _setBroadcaster func(models.Broadcaster)
// Start starts the directhls service, polling for HLS segments at the DirectHLSInputURL.
func Start(setStreamAsConnected func(), setBroadcaster func(models.Broadcaster), setStreamAsDisconnected func()) {
_setStreamAsConnected = setStreamAsConnected
_setStreamAsDisconnected = setStreamAsDisconnected
_setBroadcaster = setBroadcaster
_retryInterval = time.Second * 5
_streamSegmentRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(stream)[_-]?([^#\s]+)\.ts`)
_hlsSegmentServiceClient = http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 5,
directHLSInputURLString := data.GetDirectHLSInputURL()
directHLSInputURL, err := url.Parse(directHLSInputURLString)
if err != nil {
"owncast can't stream because directHLSInputURL '%s' could not be parsed as a URL: %s",
directHLSInputURLString, err,
// TODO support file:// and http:// protocols as well.
if strings.ToLower(directHLSInputURL.Scheme) == "smb" || strings.ToLower(directHLSInputURL.Scheme) == "samba" {
connectPort := "445"
if directHLSInputURL.Port() != "" {
connectPort = directHLSInputURL.Port()
pathPartsRaw := strings.Split(directHLSInputURL.Path, "/")
pathParts := []string{}
for _, part := range pathPartsRaw {
if strings.TrimSpace(part) != "" {
pathParts = append(pathParts, part)
if len(pathParts) > 0 {
_sambaShareName = pathParts[0]
if len(pathParts) > 1 {
_sambaFolderPath = path.Join(pathParts[1:]...)
_sambaHostPort = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", directHLSInputURL.Host, connectPort)
for {
(func() {
tcpConnection, err := net.Dial("tcp", _sambaHostPort)
if err != nil {
"owncast can't stream because it could not dial '%s' over TCP for direct HLS input: %s",
_sambaHostPort, err,
defer tcpConnection.Close()
// TODO make username and password configurable for windows
username := directHLSInputURL.User.Username()
password, hasPassword := directHLSInputURL.User.Password()
if !hasPassword {
password = ""
// empty username is not supported by this smb2 client
if username == "" {
username = "guest"
smbDialer := &smb2.Dialer{
Initiator: &smb2.NTLMInitiator{
User: username,
Password: password,
smbConnection, err := smbDialer.Dial(tcpConnection)
if err != nil {
"owncast can't stream because it couldn't initiate a samba session with '%s' for direct HLS input. (TCP connection established, but samba protocol failed): %s",
_sambaHostPort, err,
defer smbConnection.Logoff()
if _sambaShareName == "" {
shareNames, err := smbConnection.ListSharenames()
if err != nil {
"owncast can't stream because it connected to the samba server '%s' for direct HLS input, but hit an error trying to list the samba share names. You could try putting the share name into the directHLSInputURL",
for _, name := range shareNames {
if (strings.ToLower(name) == "public" && _sambaShareName == "") || strings.ToLower(name) == "owncast" {
_sambaShareName = name
if _sambaShareName == "" {
"owncast can't stream because it didn't find a samba share named 'public' or 'owncast' on '%s' for direct HLS input",
sambaShare, err := smbConnection.Mount(_sambaShareName)
if err != nil {
var allShareNames string
shareNames, err := smbConnection.ListSharenames()
if err == nil {
allShareNames = strings.Join(shareNames, ",\n")
} else {
allShareNames = fmt.Sprintf("<error occurred obtaining share names: %s>", err)
"owncast can't stream because it couldn't mount the samba share named '%s' on '%s' for direct HLS input: %s. The existing shares are named: \n\n%s",
_sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err, allShareNames,
defer sambaShare.Umount()
// this samba client doesnt like leading slashes in paths.
_sambaFolderPath = strings.TrimPrefix(_sambaFolderPath, "/")
fileInfos, err := sambaShare.ReadDir(_sambaFolderPath)
if err != nil {
"owncast can't stream because it couldn't find the folder '%s' on the samba share named '%s' on '%s' for direct HLS input: %s",
_sambaFolderPath, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err,
log.Printf("mounted the folder '%s' on the samba share '%s' on server '%s' for direct HLS input", _sambaFolderPath, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort)
var mostRecentModTime time.Time
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
modTime := fileInfo.ModTime()
if modTime.After(mostRecentModTime) {
mostRecentModTime = modTime
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
fileName := path.Join(_sambaFolderPath, "stream.m3u8")
fileInfo, err := sambaShare.Stat(fileName)
modTimeNow := mostRecentModTime
if err != nil {
"couldn't find the file '%s' on the samba share named '%s' on '%s' for direct HLS input: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err,
} else {
modTimeNow = fileInfo.ModTime()
if modTimeNow.After(mostRecentModTime) {
if _setStreamAsConnected != nil {
// TODO how much of this can be pulled from the HLS video stream ?
// TODO how much of this is necessary for the system to work?
RemoteAddr: _sambaHostPort,
Time: time.Now(),
StreamDetails: models.InboundStreamDetails{},
streamStartedTimeBuffer := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(streamStartedTimeBuffer, uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
truncatedStreamStartedTimeBuffer := []byte{}
for _, bite := range streamStartedTimeBuffer {
if bite != byte(255) && bite != byte(0) {
truncatedStreamStartedTimeBuffer = append(truncatedStreamStartedTimeBuffer, bite)
_streamStartedTime = base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(truncatedStreamStartedTimeBuffer)
syncedSegments := map[string]bool{}
"now streaming files from '%s' on the samba share '%s' on server '%s' for direct HLS!! (stream id: %s)",
_sambaFolderPath, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, _streamStartedTime,
serverTimeLastTimeFilesWereUpdated := time.Now()
for {
// if it has been 10 seconds without any updates to files in the share, we should consider the stream disconnected.
if time.Now().After(serverTimeLastTimeFilesWereUpdated.Add(time.Second * 10)) {
fileName := path.Join(_sambaFolderPath, "stream.m3u8")
fileInfo, err := sambaShare.Stat(fileName)
if err != nil {
"couldn't stat the file '%s' on the samba share named '%s' on '%s' for direct HLS input: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err,
if fileInfo.ModTime().After(mostRecentModTime) {
file, err := sambaShare.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
"couldn't open the file '%s' on the samba share named '%s' on '%s' for direct HLS input: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err,
playlistBytes, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
"couldn't read the file '%s' on share '%s' on server '%s' for direct HLS input: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err,
lines := strings.Split(string(playlistBytes), "\n")
outputLines := make([]string, len(lines))
mentionedSegments := []string{}
for i, line := range lines {
matches := _streamSegmentRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches != nil && len(matches) == 3 {
outputLines[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s.ts", matches[1], _streamStartedTime, matches[2])
mentionedSegments = append(mentionedSegments, line)
} else {
outputLines[i] = line
waitGroup1 := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for _, fileName := range mentionedSegments {
fileName := fileName
if !syncedSegments[fileName] {
syncedSegments[fileName] = true
go (func(fileName string, waitGroup1 *sync.WaitGroup) {
file, err := sambaShare.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
"couldn't open the file '%s' on the samba share named '%s' on '%s' for direct HLS input: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, _sambaShareName, _sambaHostPort, err,
_streamSegmentRegex.ReplaceAllString(file.Name(), fmt.Sprintf("$1-%s-$2.ts", _streamStartedTime)),
})(fileName, waitGroup1)
timeBeforeSync := time.Now()
// First wait for the new video segments to be fully uploaded.
waitGroup2 := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go postFileToHLSHandler(
bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(strings.Join(outputLines, "\n"))),
// Then wait for the HLS playlist to be uploaded.
syncDuration := time.Since(timeBeforeSync)
mostRecentModTime = fileInfo.ModTime()
serverTimeLastTimeFilesWereUpdated = time.Now()
if syncDuration < time.Second {
time.Sleep(time.Second - syncDuration)
} else {
log.Errorf("syncing hls segments took %s, expected it to take less than 1 second.", syncDuration)
} else {
// the playlist file was not updated... wait & poll again.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 4)
})() // end of imediately invoked function expression used with defer
if _retryInterval < time.Minute {
_retryInterval = time.Duration(int64(float64(int64(_retryInterval)) * float64(1.25)))
} else {
"owncast can't stream because directHLSInputURL '%s' is using the protocol %s which isn't supported yet. Try samba:// or smb:// instead.",
directHLSInputURLString, directHLSInputURL.Scheme,
func postFileToHLSHandler(fileName string, dataToSend io.Reader, waitGroup *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
log.Traceln("HTTP PUT", fmt.Sprintf("", config.InternalHLSListenerPort, fileName))
hlsUploadRequest, err := http.NewRequest(
fmt.Sprintf("", config.InternalHLSListenerPort, fileName),
if err != nil {
"unable to create local server HTTP PUT request for HLS segment '%s': %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, err,
response, err := _hlsSegmentServiceClient.Do(hlsUploadRequest)
if err != nil {
"local server HTTP PUT request for HLS segment '%s' failed: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, err,
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
"local server HTTP PUT request for HLS segment '%s' returned HTTP %d: %s. Stream wont work if this error keeps happening",
fileName, response.StatusCode, response.Status,