🌱🏠🧑‍💻 command line greenhouse client application: an interface to the greenhouse daemon https://greenhouse.server.garden/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
1.9 KiB

package main
import (
func rm(args []string) {
status, err := getStatus(false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nError: %s\n\n", err)
if status.NeedsAPIToken {
fmt.Print("\nGreenhouse Daemon is not registered to a Greenhouse account yet. Run the following command to register your account:\n\ngreenhouse register GREENHOUSE_API_TOKEN [SERVER_NAME]\n\n")
} else {
matchedTunnelIndexes := map[int]bool{}
matchedArgumentIndexes := map[int]bool{}
suggestMatch := map[int]int{}
for i, tunnel := range status.GUITunnels {
listenURL := tunnelListenURL(&tunnel)
for j, arg := range args {
if arg == "all" || listenURL == arg {
matchedTunnelIndexes[i] = true
matchedArgumentIndexes[j] = true
if levenshteinDistance(listenURL, arg) < 5 {
suggestMatch[j] = i
anyUnmatchedArgs := false
for j, arg := range args {
if !matchedArgumentIndexes[j] {
fmt.Printf("'%s' did not match the listen url of any configured tunnel.", arg)
suggestedMatch, hasSuggestedMatch := suggestMatch[j]
if hasSuggestedMatch {
suggestedMatchTunnel := status.GUITunnels[suggestedMatch]
fmt.Printf("\nDid you mean '%s'?", tunnelListenURL(&suggestedMatchTunnel))
anyUnmatchedArgs = true
if anyUnmatchedArgs {
fmt.Print("\nTo display the currently configured tunnels, run greenhouse ls\n\n")
toSendToDaemon := []GUITunnel{}
for i, tunnel := range status.GUITunnels {
if !matchedTunnelIndexes[i] {
toSendToDaemon = append(toSendToDaemon, tunnel)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Removing %s\n", tunnelListenURL(&tunnel))
count := len(matchedTunnelIndexes)
plural := ""
if count > 1 {
plural = "s"
fmt.Printf("\n%d tunnel%s removed successfully!\n\n", count, plural)